Palestine Fund
Donate below the text
Photo: Hani Alshaer
With donations we support people in need with blankets and clothes, and when possible with drinkable water, food and medicine. The people helping are also people trying to survive. The situation is constantly changing. Through our local contacts we do what is possible.
Palestinians in Gaza are literally being bombed to death at the moment. Complete neighborhoods disappear, entire families are removed from the municipal register, because everybody from baby to grandmother is killed. There is no safe place in Gaza. Your donations help people directly and all donations to the Palestine Fund are 100% spent in Palestine.
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Donate to help Palestinians in need!
Why a Palestine fund?
During the May 2021 military attack by the Israeli regime on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, we created an emergency fund. Even when no bombs fall, the need for support remains. In addition, Palestinians in the West Bank, in Jerusalem and in ‘48 are attacked in various ways, and we also sometimes receive requests for help from them.
That is why we have decided to rename the Emergency Fund to Palestine Fund. All donations you make here are 100% spent to help Palestinians in need. Through our network we ensure that the money ends up in the right place.
Plant an Olive Tree not only calls for the sponsoring of olive trees, we especially draw attention to the effect of the Israeli occupation and colonization on the lives of Palestinians and land rights, in order to make an impact through awareness and encourage meaningful action to end the occupation and have justice and equality for Palestinians.
Photo: Lou’y Alsaeed
We share updates via Instagram and Facebook. Follow those pages and share posts for extra support for Palestine.
What has been done through the fund so far
Thanks to your donations to the Palestine Fund, meals, food parcels, children's clothing and blankets have been distributed. We also supported the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) in collaboration with the Kifaia foundation. Our local partners buy what was already in Gaza and give it to people who had to leave everything behind.
Food packages (ongoing)
In various rounds, food packages have been and are being distributed to poor families in Gaza who live in various refugee camps. Without the military blockade of Gaza, this aid would not be necessary. Due to the more than 16 years of blockade, there is little economic prospect in this part of Palestine. Packages were distributed in March and June 2023 and this will happen more often in the following period.
Kids activities (ongoing)
Since the military invasion in Jenin in 2023 we organise activities for children. Some examples of activities: a day to a swimming pool, doing arts and crafts, drumming and watching a puppet theatre.
After the military attack in May 2023, our team in Gaza organized several activities aimed at children to help them cope with the renewed war traumas. Which most children already suffer from. All children wrote their wish on a note and received a present. For these children this was the first time in their lives that they received new toys themselves.
Warm blankets for Gaza (yearly)
We bought 350 blankets in 2022 for poor families in Gaza so that they can protect themselves against the winter cold. 90 families have been supported.
Palestinian journalists risk their lives so that reality can be shared. More than 50 Palestinian journalists have been murdered since the year 2000 (this was up to October 2023, now more than 150 journalists have been killed of which over 100 in less than 3 months). Awareness is one of the most important tools in the fight for justice. Several journalists have been supported with equipment thanks to earmarked donations to the Palestine Fund. This way they can continue to do their job.
employment opportunities
Due to the occupation and siege the unemployment rate is high in Palestine. Through the Palestine Fund we try to support people on a small scale who want to work by creating employment. Think, for example, of farmers from whom we buy vegetables directly, or women's cooperatives that bake biscuits, the products of which are then distributed in the food packages
The money that was donated through the initial Emergency Fund totaled € 15,963.99 and was transferred 100% to the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) for medical assistance via the Dutch Kifaia foundation (stichting Kifaia).
You may have seen the photo of Razan al-Najjar, the 20-year-old nurse who was shot by the Israeli army while helping to evacuate a wounded during The Great March of Return. She was a PMRS volunteer at the time. These people are literally risking their lives to save other people because of the occupation. The Kifaia Foundation has been supporting the work of the PMRS since 2014. PMRS provides emergency medical care and rehabilitation after military attacks on Gaza. In addition, the PMRS has health centers in the major cities. A mobile clinic regularly visits the remote and often dangerous areas in the border region with Israel. From infant care to care for the elderly, people with a disability or a chronic illness. Accessible, close to the people and free.
Hope Foundation
Activities for traumatized children in Gaza
The HOPE foundation wants to help traumatized and disabled children to build a valuable life through lessons and therapy based on art and culture. To achieve this, they have initiated the 'Open Studio' in Gaza, where art and culture classes are given. Meanwhile, there are several locations, including the popular Breakdance Academy, and the Saturday Academy. The Beehome Academy can be found online, a digital art platform.
Self-respect and self-confidence of the children are stimulated through art and creativity. This can help reduce anxiety. Having self-confidence and self-respect can lead to making decisions that give direction to life.
During the attack in May, the beach pavilion of the Breakdance Academy was bombed. Two art centers have been damaged, the children and their teachers as well. Some children did not survive.
Support for poor families in Gaza
In 2021 we supported poor families in Gaza with food and warmth, besides supporting 50 families to plant olive trees on their land.
The family of Hassan al-Borno, one of our farmers who was murdered in May 2021, has also been supported with a sum of money which they spent on repairing a well in the name of their father.
Palestine Fund - Practical
Recurring donations are monthly, quarterly or annual donations to the Palestine Fund that are automatically debited and can be canceled by e-mail.
You can sponsor olive trees via the sponsor page, donations for our work can be made via the regular donation page.
You will receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes, it’s possible it goes to spam. The text will be in Dutch, as we technically still have to arrange the mail to be translated to English. It states Palestina Fonds in the text, which means Palestine Fund. So that's how you know you contributed to the Palestine Fund. Super thanks for your human to human support for Palestine!
plant een olijfboom (Foundation Plant an olive tree)
Planting olive trees to protect Palestinian land against expropriation remains necessary. Read more about all we do.